Bylaw Updates

The OPR-PCA Board proposes updates to the OPR-PCA BYLAWS.  The majority of changes are to come into alignment with the recently updated PCA National Bylaws and modern methods of communication and voting.

RESOLVED, that the BYLAWS of Olympic Peninsula Region of the Porsche Club of America shall be amended as noted here.

Said amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the membership at the Annual Meeting on November 12, 2022 at 2P at the 7 Cedars Casino, 270756 Highway 101 in Sequim. This shall serve as notice given to all members at least twenty days prior to the meeting for the purpose of voting as prescribed in the corporation’s current BYLAWS ARTICLE VI. 

Amendments: Notice of proposed amendment to the Bylaws must be presented in writing to the membership at least twenty days prior to a meeting for the purpose of voting on such amendments. The Bylaws may be amended by a majority of those members assembled at a regular meeting.

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