Annual New Member Welcome Picnic

August 10, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone

Lunch will consist of Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, Potato Salad and Spicy Pickles with beverages, wine and beer. We are looking forward to welcoming new members who have joined/transferred to OPR during the past year. Must RSVP by 8/2/24 to Maryann Elwell at or phone: (253) 853-4003, since we need to order the BBQ ahead of time. Like last year, we will hold a Concours Lite. Directions will be emailed to those who RSVP. Event is free for new members who joined or transferred into our region since August 2023; otherwise the cost is $20/person for all other members. For payment due, checks should be written to “OPR-PCA” and mailed to OPR-PCA, P.O. Box 3572, Silverdale, WA 98383-3572 to be received by 8/2/24. Non-new club members who want, can sign up to bring an appetizer, salad, side or dessert. Just let Maryann know what you plan to bring, so we don’t have too much of any one thing. Venue has an indoor pool, so bring your swimsuits. We are also looking for yard games to play (i.e., Badminton, Croquet, Bocce Ball, etc.), so let Maryann know if you have one to bring. Bring lawn chairs if you have them. We will also be collecting donations of ethnic foods (beans, tortillas, rice, etc.) for our Charity, Bremerton Foodline.

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